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#3 Incoming Crypto Airdrops Will Be Largest in DeFi History, Says Popular Analyst


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Crypto analyst and influencer Tyler Swope is unveiling three incoming crypto airdrops which he says will be bigger than Uniswap.

In a live stream session, Swope tells his 159,000 subscribers that he’s keeping a watchful eye on the Honey Badger hunt airdrop. Badger DAO, the project behind the airdrop, is looking for users who accelerate BTC in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. Swope says those who performed key steps are qualified to participate in the airdrop.

“A large majority of us in here can claim this airdrop. I claimed it because I did one of the actions. The more actions you do, I’m pretty sure the more you get, but I’m not 100% sure on that…

There are close to 20-22 qualifying actions: participated in SUSHI governance, supplied/borrowed wBTC on Compound, MetaCartel DAO members, deposited/borrowed wBTC on Aave, participated in governance, participated in Yam governance, minted wBTC, minted renBTC, minted sBTC, the LAO members, deposited in sBTC and renBTC pools on Curve, participated in 1Hive governance, provided liquidity for wBTC and the ETH pool on Balancer, supplied or borrowed wBTC on Maker, donated to Gitcoin which I’m sure some of you have, provided liquidity for wBTC and ETH pool on Uniswap, member of the dOrg DAO, and you minted tBTC, or you have participated in Harvest.Finance governance.” 

Swope is also highlighting the Sora Network (XOR) airdrop of VAL tokens which he says are valued at $4.

“So basically, all ERC-20 SORA holders, they’re moving over to the SORA V2 mainnet, which they say down here is coming in between December 2020 and February 2021… Basically 94.57 VAL will be airdropped per XOR to ERC-20 XOR holders during the first year of the SORA V2 network. Not necessarily all of them at once. They are going to be distributed over the year, but I’m pretty sure a bulk of those do get airdropped. So another big airdrop might come this month.” 

Another airdrop that Swope is keeping tabs on is coming from dYdX, which is a decentralized derivative exchange that uses borrowing and lending pools to facilitate margin trades. The founder of dYdX, Antonio Juliano, has said he’s exploring a future airdrop for users on the platform.

“I think this one is going to be bigger than people can imagine because it is one of the protocols I see coming and pushing forward as regulations start causing others to scatter. It’s dYdX.

They do have big backers: Andreessen Horowitz, I think Coinbase is involved… I would interact with dYdX if I were you. Not necessarily go bungholio crazy on margin trading, but just play around with it. Maybe add some liquidity to their liquidity pool.” 

The crypto influencer notes that the dYdX airdrop has no timeline as it can come out of nowhere.


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