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#6 times Twitter's security was breached

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The July 2020 Bitcoin scam attack isn’t the only time that Twitter has fallen victim to hackers. Here’s a potted history of Twitter security breaches.

In brief

A Twitter hack in July 2020 saw high-profile accounts compromised and used to send out tweets promoting a Bitcoin scam.

The hackers made off with 12 BTC ($120,000) from unsuspecting victims.

Twitter’s security has been breached on several occasions in the past.

If the slightly wonky wording didn’t give it away, the sudden urge by some of the world’s richest people to give away free Bitcoin should have.

On 15 July 2020, the Twitter accounts of high-profile individuals including Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Mike Bloomberg, plus corporations such as Apple and Uber, all tweeted messages with almost identical wording: “I am giving back to my community due to COVID-19. All Bitcoin sent to my address below will be sent back doubled.”

It had all the hallmarks of a well-coordinated scam, but with combined follower counts stretching into the hundreds of millions, the ruse was always going to hook a few unsuspecting targets. 

The Bitcoin wallet in question swelled to 12 BTC (nearly $120,000) before Twitter was able to put measures in place to stop the message spreading any further. All ‘blue tick’ verified accounts were temporarily prevented from tweeting, while any that had already been compromised were locked and the offending tweets deleted.

Twitter called the incident a “coordinated social engineering attack” that targeted employees with access to “internal systems and tools”. It’s the most significant attack on Twitter since it launched in 2006, with the FBI and the US Senate getting involved in the investigation. But it’s not the first time the social network has fallen victim to hackers…

1. @jack gets hacked in 2019
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey wasn’t personally affected in the July 2020 hack, but his account has been taken over in the past. In August 2019, a group calling itself the Chuckling Squad used a SIM swap attack, which gives the hacker access to a person’s phone number, to tweet a bomb hoax, racial slurs, and other offensive messages from Dorsey’s account. A member of the group was subsequently arrested in November 2019. 


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